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Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Day Everything Changed

I thought I would be happier the day I got to write this blog. I thought I would feel more a peace or more sure of the future.

A friend recently described feeling (in her similar situation) "vulnerable". That word works. As well as the image of fear battling a timid happiness.

Yesterday everything changed. Snow White's case plan will officially be changed to adoption at the next court hearing in March.

The story goes like this: Caseworker showed up and Bios house. There was a 3rd person with a felony charge living there and both parents were high as crap. Mom tested for about everything under the son and dad tried to pass off a ziplock baggie full of water as urine.

For Real.

Caseworker became very angry and confronted them... Bio Mother broke down and admitted that she had been using this entire time.

Unfortunately I think the only one who was surprised about that was the caseworker. He honestly believed that they could change.

A meeting was called yesterday and the result is that the caseworker will start to look for relatives who could possibly be the new family. Failing that they will look to us.

Our major roadblock is that currently the office and the GAL want to keep Snow White and her brother together.  Usually this would be the obvious choice. But Hubby and I are against this for many severe reasons.

This is not over. We will have TPR hearings, adoption meetings, therapist depositions etc. We have a long road to travel. BUT FINALLY. FINALLY!!! We are on the correct road. Praise be to God.

2 Chronicles 20:15

thus says the LORD to you, 'Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's.

1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your blog last night. I am starting from the beginning and am often thinking I should skip ahead to find out what happens. We foster and take big breaks between placements. It is a crazy life but I feel God asks us to help those children that not too many will help. It is rare but there are a few good case workers. I told our last one to call me if one of her "kids" needs a placement. Your intuition is what was saying you wanted the parents to mess up because they always were! ...back to reading!
