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Monday, May 18, 2015


Not a lot to report. There was ANOTHER  continuance. Basically the agency had so many witnesses that we ran out of time, and since I was a witness, I was forced to sit in a waiting room for three hours just to never be called.

The GAL did call and said that everything went VERY well for us and little Snow White. The therapists painted us as saints and she and the caseworker recommended that she be adopted by us.

Snow White was subpoenaed, but not made to testify today. The therapist recommended that she not be allowed and I believe that will stand.

The Bios all left VERY angry and refused to speak with us. Also Big Brother was able to go home to his caregiver which was HUGE. I am thinking that the writing is on the wall. However, as I write this I hesitate...nothing is certain.

Otherwise we begin waiting.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Monday is coming

Tried to write about how I was scared of Mother's Day, but it ended up being great etc. but all I can focus on is the court date on Monday.

I don't know that it is worry...... but it is as if all of my focus and emotions are streaming toward this date and I NEED FOR THIS TO BE OVER. 

One good bit of news is that Snow White's therapist was officially subpoenaed and will be testifying on the agency's behalf. Am so grateful for this because more than all of the wonderful things I have said about Therapist, she is extremely clever and has been doing this for so long that I don't believe that Snow White could have a better advocate on the stand.

Though I did notice that 42 of you checked in on me on Mother's Day. Thank you. Seriously.